In a new effort to find a solution to the garbage problem in Eufaula the Bossiness and Professional Womens club will conduct a house-to-house survey to determine public sentiment on a city-wide systematic method of collection
Widening of U.S. Highway 69 along Eufaulas Main Street was completed excepted for a few finishing touches, last week, and workmen were pouring the last concrete sidewalks at the corner of Foley avenue and preparing to remove the last barriers to automobile and pedestrian traffic today.
The $32,180.97 U.S. and state project was started late in August under contract to Anchor Construction Co. of Muskogee.
Thursday, September 10,1959
Bill Authorizing Sale of 40 of Acres Indian Land To Eufaula City Okayed
A bill authorizing sale of 40 acres of Creek Indian land to Eufaula was passed Wednesday by the Senate and sent to the White House..
Eufaula would use the land to resettle a number of residents, including some Creek Indians who are being dislocated by construction of the Eufaula dam and reservoir.
State Officers Raid In City Thursday
Agents of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and State Crime Bureau swooped down on Eufaula just before dark last Thursday and raided Eufaulas numerous bootleggers, and one club, as the state made good its claim of stopping illegal dealing in hard liquor.
55 YEARS AGO Thursday, December 25,1969
Taxpaying at Christmas Is An Ancient Custom Maybe if we did not keep mentioning taxes folks would get a heap more enjoyment out of this Christmas season. Bukt as it is, December is still taxc paying month. For that purpose, it’s only overshadowing day,, event or occasions is Dec. 25, which we celebrate as the birthday of Christ
Thursday, January 16, 1992
Local Hospital Fighting Big City Syndrome Lies Rural hospital, such as Community Hospital Lakeview, have a troubled image problem that’s been fostered and nurtured by the U.S. Government “The city syndrome has been promoted by the Federal Government and if they are saying it, people feel it must be true,” Jay Seigfreid,, Community Hospital Lakeview Eufaula, said. “A lie is what we are fighting.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
New year, new you only a gym away
There is power in numbers, said Marguerite Hazlewood owner of Lake Country Fitness. If you want to get fit in 2015, find a friend to workout with you or make friends at the gym.
In Eufaula, there are two gym choices. Lake Country Fitness and TNT. Both have plenty of circuit machines, free weights and cardio machines to get your heart pumping in the new year.
Accident KOs city water
A minor accident Friday, Jan. 2, caused the city to be without water for over two hours.
Officials said a van that was being loaded onto a wrecker rolled off the truck and struck a fireplug in front of the Eufaula Community Center.