Our theme for this school year is GROWTH: We use this as an acronym for highlighting the characteristics of: Gratitude, Respect, Open-Minded, Willingness to Learn, Teamwork, Honesty.
This month we will focus on Honesty: We believe in the power of honesty to build strong character and create a positive community. Honesty means telling the truth, even when it’s difficult, and always doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. As we focus on the theme of honesty, we want to share some simple examples of opportunities for elementary students to practice honesty in their daily lives:
1. In the classroom: When a teacher asks a question, raise your hand and share your honest answer, even if you’re not sure it’s correct. Your honesty helps everyone learn and grow together.
2. During tests or quizzes: Always do your own work and never copy from someone else’s paper. Your teacher trusts you to show what you know, and being honest ensures that your grades reflect your own effort and understanding.
3. Playing games with friends: Whether it’s on the playground or during indoor recess, always play fair and follow the rules of the game. Being honest about scores, turns, and following the rules shows respect for your friends and makes the game more fun for everyone.
4. Sharing with siblings or friends: If you accidentally break something or make a mess while playing with toys or sharing snacks, be honest about what happened. Taking responsibility for your actions and being truthful with others helps build trust and strengthens your friendships.
5. Following school rules: Listen to your teachers and follow school rules, even when no one is watching. Being honest means doing the right thing even when it’s not easy, like picking up trash on the playground or helping a classmate in need.
6. Together, we can help our students grow into honest, responsible individuals who make positive contributions to our school and community.
***Our Parent Hub has a lot of important resources. Please check it out, by accessing the QR code.
We also have a new app. It’s called “Parent Square.” You can go to your phone’s app store and download it. It will ask for you to login using your phone number or email, you will have to verify the information and create a password. All students attached to that parents phone/email in our school information system, should show up on your app.***
Summer BEACON applications are now open. Applications are online only and can be found at this link: https://forms.gle/ orBxYTvh55GsKjWv8.
May 14th – Last Day for Beacon Summer BEACON will run May 28th- June 24th.
Follow the Facebook page at Eufaula School Beacon Program for any information.
Eufaula Elementary
We use this newsletter and our other methods below to keep parents, guardians, and students up to date on activities and happenings in our school.
We also have a new app. It’s called “Parent Square.” You can go to your phone’s app store and download it. It will ask for you to login using your phone number or email, you will have to verify the information and create a password. All students attached to that parents phone/email in our school information system, should show up on your app.
Email: kjhickman@eufaula.k12.ok.us Website: es.eufaula. k12.ok.us Location: 1705 West JM Bailey Hwy Eufaula, OK 74432 Phone: 918-689-2682 Facebook: facebook. com/EufaulaElementarySchoolIronheads Upcoming Events April 19th – 2nd Grade Field Trip April 24th – KG Field Trip April 25th – PK Field Trip April 26th – No School May 3rd – 4th/5th Choir Trip May 3rd – 3rd Grade Field Trip May 7th – Mini Olympics May 8th – Little Olympics May 9th – 4th Grade Fishing May 9th – Beginning Band Spring Concert 6pm at H.S.
May 10th – 5th Grade Band Trip May 10th- 4th Grade Field Trip May 10th – PK Hummingbird Park May 13th – Spring Training May 14th – 1st Grade Field Trip May 14th – Last Day of Beacon May 15th – 5th Grade Field Trip May 16th – PK Promotion May 16th – Kite Day May 17th – Awards Assemblies