We held our business meeting on Dec.15, with Karen Franz, President, leading the meeting with our pledge to the flag. Claudia read our minutes and Lisa gave the treasurer’s report. All were approved.
We were privileged to have Connie Dickinson from the VFW 8798 and president of District 7 to speak to our group. She came to thank us for all the work we do to help the Ladies Aux at the VFW 8798.
She also came to ask for our help in preparing packages being sent to our soldiers with supplies and our famous cookies.
Connie also joined our group and is now a new member.
We also voted to dedicate the first Friday of each Monday to making Inspiration rocks for the VA hospital in Muskogee.
We all are so happy to do these things for our military and vets.
OMG, we have a bunch of birthdays next month, so here they are. Jan. 12 – Becki Roe; Jan. 16 – Becky Blackwell; Jan. 28 – Claudia Hazelton;Jan. 29 – Ava Hutchins; and Jan. 31 – Karen Franz.
I can’t forget our other new member, Mrs. Karen Shuey. We are so glad to welcome you and Connie into our crafting family.
We held our yearly election and Ms. Helen Tramain is our new President; 1st Vice President is Marie Zellar; 2nd Vice President is Deanna Carter with Sandy Bethell as backup. Claudia Hazelton will remain Secretary; Lisa Smart remains Treasurer and Ava Hutchins will act as our Chaplin.
These officers will be instated in our January meeting.
We are not losing Karen, but she plans to do some traveling with her husband and was afraid she couldn’t dedicate the time required to the T.L.C. it requires. She did a fantastic job, and we will miss her monthly corny jokes. Helen Tramain will do a great job. How could she not with this team of great women.
We voted a large donation to Under One Roof and Sandy Bethell will present that this next week.
Now for fun. We did our reveal for our Secret Sisters and pretty much everyone was wrong on who they thought was their S.S.
We will start our new year’s round in January and I will get that information out soon. We then had our Christmas luncheon which was fantastic and the decorations were unbelievably beautiful this year.
We did our group picture and played a gift game. I’m still not sure how it worked, but we all ended up with beautiful Christmas ornaments. Everyone packed up their goodies and gifts and went home, leaving Ava and I to clean the shop.
We still had a great deal of sales to add to next year’s donations.
Our ladies did a great job helping buy toys for Texanna Elf ’s and Toy Soldiers. I’m so proud to be a part of this group, helping folks every month and the comradery is so wonderful.
If you need to get away from the house for a few hours, come join us, you’ll be glad you did.
We really missed Marie and Becki being with us, but you two are always in our hearts.
I want to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.
Hope you get all you want and want all you get.
A very big “Thank You” for our county for making us such a success this last year. We couldn’t do it without you.
Did you know we have a Facebook page? Go by and look at all the new stuff we are making.
We are located at 419098 Texanna Road. Look for the little green alien in front of our store. Come by and see us. We are open on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Look for the Butterfly board. Stop and take a picture with your family. It’s free.