Q and A with Pastor J.
You are not alone. As we approach the end of the year and the holidays it can be a difficult time for many people. We may not see it among the bright lights, bells and presents but some people struggle through the holiday season. There many reasons that some people have difficulty with this time of year and there are some ways to help.
First – Get involved. The Church is a great place to build friendships that last. It is also a great place to help you draw close to God. God wants to help you if you will let him.
Second – Serve others. As a whole our nation is too inwardly focused. We think about ourselves. This will never lift our spirits. We can invest our lives totally in ourselves and as a result reap a harvest of self-pity, doubt and loneliness. Or we can turn our hearts to the needs of others. Paul tells us in Philippians 2:3, “Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition 1 or vanity, each of you should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself.”
Third – Worship. Worship is the act of loving God and setting Him above everything. It is in the offering of worship that God meets with us. He wants to meet with you!
Fourth – our emotional struggles cannot be eliminated with the wave of a magic wand. It takes struggle, commitment and time to overcome. Just remember that God loves you through it all – He proved it by sending Jesus to save us! You are not alone – His Church exists to help each of us grow closer to Him and to each other. Our depression seeks to isolate us- Jesus wants to include you in community with Him and His Church. I hope that you will trust God and make a step to being part of His family – you will be amazed at how God makes a way for you!
We would love to meet you at First Baptist Church. Sunday worship is at 10 a.m. Our website is www.eufaulafbc.org.
Know that you are loved! Pastor J. Ingram