147 YEARS AGO Thursday, June 1, 1876
– Edward J. Brooks, Attorney at Law, Office in the Post Office Building, Main Street, Muskogee, I.T.: Will attend to all cases before the U.S. Commissioner and the U.S. District Court at Fort Smith.
– John R. Vann, Attorney at Law, Tahlequah, C.N.: will practice in all courts of the Cherokee Nation. Will attend to claims and make collections.
– Geo. W. Cummings, M.D., Physician and Surgeon: particular attention given to the practice of surgery and midwifery. Office on Main Street, next to Post Office in Muskogee.
– Dr. E. L. Kellam: Physician and Obstetrician, Muskogee, I.T.: particular attend paid to diseases of women and children and all private diseases.
A writer in Turf, Field and Farm urges the use of camels in the United States. He says that in Filmore’s administration the experiment was tried by the War Department at a cost of $30,000 a brother of Admiral Porter buying and importing a herd. These animals were lost sight of in the rebellion, and it is thought the they found their way into menageries.
In compliance with the request of the delegates now in Washington, from the Indian Territory, we publish the following memorial: The undersigned, representatives of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw and Seminole Nations of Indians residents of the Indian Territory, would respectfully invite your attention t the conditional and other land grants, granted to certain railroad corporations by acts of Congress … “granting lands to the State of Kansas to aid in the construction of the Kansans and Neosho Valley Railroad, and its extension to Red river … : Our object n calling your attention to these acts is to endeavor to impress upon you the fact that they are not consistent with the public faith of your government, peered for the protection the Indian Nations in their lands by oft repeated treaties …
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Friday, January 2, 1903
Watts Dead
M.L. Watts, a farmer well known in Eufaula, died at his home at Mellette last Saturday of pneumonia. His remains were brought here and deposited in the city cemetery. Watts was ill but a short time.
A Xmas Surprise
Deputy Grant Johnson swooped down on a gambling den in the colored row on East Side Christmas morning and played havoc with it. He piled up all the gaming devices in the street, poured coal oil over the heap and touched a match to it. The blaze attracted on-lookers from all over town and while they were looking on, Grant instituted general search for guns. He went through the shirt bosom and hip pockets of 160 citizens, but he found only one pistol.
Mass Meeting
Pursuant to a call by Mayor Tully a mass meeting will be held at the city hall tonight for the purpose of electing delegates to the statehood convention at Oklahoma City on Jan. 6. Everybody turn out.
A successful business man from a progressive town up the M.K.&T. was in Eufaula attending the Single Statehood Convention Tuesday. Said the gentleman: “Eufaula is better located for building of a big town than any other point on the line of the M.K.&T. in the Indian Territory. What does a town need to make it great that Eufaula has not got? You have good water, an immense area of fine land tributary to your town, the best of all kinds of timber in abundance.
“You have the North Canadian river within 11/4 miles of your town for waterworks and for factories. You have natural gas, shale for pressed brick and clay for burnt brick. You have the best building stone in the Southwest and plenty of it in your incorporated limits.
“Above all, you are alive to what you have in the way of advantages and are improving them. Local capital is strong in Eufaula. To show you that I mean business, I am coming to your lot sale on Jan. 12 and buy Eufaula lots.”
Thursday, October 25, 1923
SHERIFF MOORE CAPTURES RAVISHER After twice being frustrated in new attempts to escape from Sheriff M.B. Moore of Macintosh county, Dallas Sowell is back in jail at Eufaula to await trial on a charge of attacking a woman.
Sowell escaped from Sheriff Moore Sept. 26 at a point three miles north of Checotah while being transported in a motor car from Muskogee to the McIntosh county seat. Previously, Sowell had been placed in a Muskogee jail for safe keeping, as the revolting nature of his crime aroused widespread indignation in the country surrounding Eufaula.
Ironheads Walloped Haskell
Last week the Eufaula Ironheads invaded the Haskell camp and routed “Shine” Martins Haymakers, winning by the score of 58 to 0. This crew has defeated four conference teams this season and piled up 192 points without their goal being crossed.
Eufaula Boy Honored
At a meeting last Friday of the Freshman class of Arkansas University at Fayetteville, Melville Metcalfe was unanimously elected president of the class.
OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 24 – With seven counts against him in the impeachment bill being perfected by the lower house of the Oklahoma legislature, Gov. J.C. Walton tonight continued his refusel to recognize the authority of a senate resolution suspending him and await a hearing in the state Supreme Court tomorrow to determine whether he or Lieutenant Governor M.E. Trapp is the legally empowered chief executive of the state.
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Thursday, November 4, 1948
School Bonds Approved By Eufaula Voters Voters of the Eufaula school district gave their overwhelming approval to the enlargement of Foley stadium and building of additional classrooms at the high school in the bond election Tuesday.
Th vote for the $25,000 improvement bonds was 804. Against the bonds, the vote titled 364. This was 103 votes above the 60 percent required for passage.
Mass Meeting Called to Talk Sewer Needs In order to learn the wishes of the majority of the people of Eufaula about sewer system needs, the Mayor and the city council have called for a mass meeting at the community hall Tuesday, Nov. 16.
It is estimated the cost of minimum facilities to put the Eufaula sewer system on a working basis at $176,000.
Poison Wins Corn Award
Henry Poison, who operates the C.L. Follansbee farm north of Eufaula, is the 1948 champion DeKalb Hybrid corn producer of McIntosh County.
On his five-acre contest tract, Poisons average yield was 107.85 bushels per acre. The championship for the state of Oklahoma went to Wagoner county where the winner averaged 145 bushels per ere.
County Farmer First Peacetime Draftee
Marvin Leslie Pendergraft, Route One, Eufaula, was the only draft registrant of the eight men called, to pass the U.S. Army physical examinations, and he will become the first peacetime draftee in McIntosh county.
The 25-year-old farmer, rejected for service in the World War II daft, will enter service November 22. He told Wash Grayson, drift board clerk, that he was ready and a pious to get his training started
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Thursday, November 7, 1973
“Lucious Selmon Day” Planned For December Either December 8 or 15 will be the date of a “Lucious Selmon Day” in Eufaula. The mayor will be asked to make this day official by proclamation. Coach Barry Switzer and Defesnive Coach Larry Lacewll have agreed to fit this celebration into their schedules.
The local high school band will lead a parade honoring Eufaula’s All-American Nose Guard. This is the first All-American from Eufaula since Joe Golding was so honored in 1946.
After the parade, the high school auditorium will be the next stop. At the school, Lucious will be honored by his coaches and friends.
City Council Approves Hospital Board
The mayor asked the council to approve the following which will make up the Hospital Board: Felty Wallis, Mary Rule, Joe Mac Wortham, Mrs. G.D. Alexander and James Ballinger.
Pvt. Lewis in Basic
Pvt. Glen D. Lewis, son of Mrs. Ida Lewis, Eufaula, has been assigned to Company C, Armored Infantry Battalion, 5th Armored Division, for basic training in the U.S. Army.
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Thursday, October 22, 1998
Duvall inducted into Hall of Fame
Roy Duvall, a Hitchita native and Checotah resident, was inducted into the National Cowboy All of Fame in ceremonies held Saturday night in Oklahoma City.
August Sales Down in Eufaula, Checotah, County The October distribution of city sales tax collections by the Oklahoma Tax Commission representing local tax receipts from August business showed both Checotah and Eufaula, along with McIntosh County, down from the same period in 1997.
Hanna, the only other entity with sales tax in McIntosh County, was up $2.94 over August’97 returns.
LEA Fun Night Crowd Visits Swingin’ ’50s A near capacity crowd enjoyed an evening of dining and entertainment Saturday night at the FAIC building in Brush Hill … the Swinging’ ‘50s 12th annual fun-raiser event for Lake Eufaula Association.