Probably the largest and highest rock in the known world is the south dome of Yosemite.
Standing at the fork of the upper valley, it rears itself, a solid rock loaf, 6,000 feet above the ground.
A more powerful land than that of Titan has cut away the eastern half, leaving a sheer precipice over a mile in height. No man ever trod the top of this hill until last year.
Last year thousands of dollars were spent and several persons found their way to the top of the hither to inaccessible peak.
At a lecture delivered in New York, Prof. Bell quaintly remarked, respecting his telephone, that it was always well to know what you were about to hear from it, as that made the hearing much easier.
Something like this experience must have been felt during an exhibition of the instrument at Manchester, England, by Prof. I.H. Core. He sounded a shrill whistle into the telephone, immediately a reply came through from the person at the other end of the line: “I distinctly hear a harmonium note.”
Whereat there was a considerable laughter among the audience.
Quite recently a series of conversations have been held in English and French through the cable between Dover and Clais, under the English Channel. The distance is 21 and % miles. The voices of different speakers were recognized by their friends.
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