Many scriptures of the Bible use sports metaphor to describe the Christian life, referring to spiritual journeys as races we run to fulfill the divine assignments we were placed on earth to achieve. In a world and a culture that tends to hate Jesus, we are called to stand in solidarity as brothers and sisters of Christ.
The spiritual race is not meant to be run alone; teamwork enhances our performance. Good advice comes from King Solomon, who wrote that when we are on God’s team, others will help guide and encourage us in proper spiritual ways. “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” (Ecclesiastes 4: 9, 10) Solomon early in his life only asked for Godly wisdom, and he was given it. He is often considered the wisest and richest king ever mentioned in the Bible. But, as he became older and richer, he made unwise decisions. 1 Kings 11 said, “As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been.” He began to worship and follow other idols.
Solomon soon learned that life apart from God is meaningless. “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.Three are even better, for a triplebraided cord is not easily broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4: 11, 12) This truth applies to your work, your marriage, your hobbies, and especially to your church family. Everyone is prone to fall at some point along the way. Have you ever fallen so low, or so hard that it literally feels like you can’t get up again on your own? When two people work together they can help each other in very difficult times.
Solomon understood that everyone needs help, and it is a blessing both to give and to receive help in the name of Jesus. So, a key takeaway is that Teamwork is Powerful. Unfortunately some people prefer isolation. One of the hardest things for some to understand is that Christians are not put here on this earth simply to serve ourselves. We are to serve God and others. We are to seek companionship with a church family, and live our lives interconnected with other believers. A key takeaway is that Teamwork is Productive.
Teamwork is also protective. The third part of the triple-braided cord Solomon refers to is generally considered to be God himself. A relationship intertwined with God is not quickly or easily broken.
The spiritual race is not to be run alone! TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More. And the ultimate achievement is being with Jesus in eternity. We are called to spur one another in our faith. Good teammates understand this.
At LECC we celebrate being on Team Jesus, and we’d love to have you join as our teammate. All you need do is walk through the door at 415987 Highway 9, Eufaula, at one of these times: small group Bible study at 10 a.m., worship at 11 a.m., and Wednesday night activities at 6:30 p.m. You won’t sit on the bench for long until you find yourself more powerful, productive, and protected. Give Team Jesus a try!
God Bless You!
Jeremy Little, Minister