100 YEARS AGO Feb. 29, 1924
Leap Year Dance Big Success
One of the most enjoyable social affairs of the season was the Leap Year dance given by the young ladies of Eufaula on Wednesday evening, Feb. 27 at the new home of the Armory The big spacious hall was crowded with dancers, about thirty couples participating, abong them were many from Muskogee and Checotah.
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85 YEARS AGO Feb 23, 1939
Eufaula Indian Journal
22 New School Houses Completed in County Twenty-two school districts have completed new buildings in the past three years in McIntosh county according to Superintendent of the county schools Elmer Nix.
Thirty-five new buildings in all will be constructed in the county if the present program is carried out, Nix stated.
Judge Floyd Staley
Former Checotah boy died in Tulsa today
News was received in Eufaula today that District Judge Staley of Tulsa died suddenly this morning from a heart attack in that city. Judge Staley was reared in Checotah, attended the public schools there and was a law graduate of the state university.
Feb. 25, 1943
Eufaula Indian Journal
37 county draftees leave Eufaula for Fort Sill Army Camp.
37 McIntosh county boys left the armory office for the county draft board here early Wednesday morning for the reception center at Fort Sill.
The Eufaula High School will hold its fourth annual boxing tournament at the Dixie school gym Thursday evening, March 6.
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75 YEARS AGO Feb. 24, 1949
McIntosh County Democrat King to direct fight to build original dam
Milam M. King of Checotah was elected president of the Eufaula Dam Association at a protest meeting condemning the two-dam proposal at Henryetta last Thursday night attended by delegates from towns throughout eastern Oklahoma.
A strongly worded resolution supporting the original Eufaula dam plan was adopted. The resolution calls on congressional support of the one-dam plan. The association refused to even consider the proposal for the two smaller dams instead of one large one on the South Canadian river 15 miles southeast of Checotah.
65 YEARS AGO Feb. 27, 1969
Local residents living longer
Today, in McIntosh County more married couples are reaching the age of retirement together than was the case in former years.
Furthermore, the odds are better than ever that both husband and wife will live at least ten years beyond that point.
Knight’s Food Store will be giving away $25 in free groceries on Saturday, March 1 at 6 p.m.
This weeks specials include Shurfine Meal 39 cents, Tide 73 cents, Eggs 59 cents, Shurfresh Biscuits four for 29 cents and pork roast for 49 cents per pound.
50 YEARS AGO Feb. 28, 1974
Drinking Liquor in Public Places a Misdemeanor
Any person who shall, in any public place or upon a passenger coach, street car, or about any depot platform waiting station drink any intoxicating liquor or be drunk or intoxicated in any public or private road or at any public gathering.