In a small town it often seems that everybody knows everybody so why tell your story because most already know it. However, that’s not really true. Most people may not know the whole story and to me telling those tales of a small town always make the best stories.
Sometimes it’s hard to write about every story I hear about, but I promise you, it’s impossible to write the stories I know nothing about. That’s why I love hearing from and writing about local people in our small town who have interesting talents, experiences, or accomplishments. Sometimes they don’t think it is a big deal but when you share those stories they end up being a big deal to others.
I’ve loved so many stories over the years, like Don Johnson who shared his God-given carving ability and made some of the most unique wood carvings from church pews that I’ve ever seen.
Or maybe they were heartbreaking stories like Christy Andrews who lost her son Dustin to addiction. My heart ached as she told me about her sweet baby boy who loved so deeply but couldn’t shake his drug demons. That story was hard on me as a mom but much needed to remind everyone to keep fighting the good fight of faith and believe there is hope and healing.
No matter the tale, it always pulls your heartstrings or gives you insight into that person’s real life. It’s sharing your story in your corner of the world with the people who care the most about you, your small town community.
This is why I love a small town and I love telling tales of a small town, not in a gossipy way, but in an in depth way so my readers may be a little more enlightened, inspired and engaged with everyone in our community.
We have a lot of interesting and caring people in Checotah and that’s what makes us a great community. So, if you would like to share your story and tell your tale of a small town, call me or better yet, come by and tell me your story. I promise you won’t regret it.